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> Partner Schools

Fields of Dreams Uganda partners with ten schools in the Central and Northern regions of Uganda. Our partner schools are carefully selected based on need, school leadership, community engagement and support for our mission. Each school we work with is uniquely wonderful, but all are overcrowded and stretched to capacity with limited resources.
Our day-to-day work with the students and faculty at these schools is also supplemented with annual grants to address school-specific challenges.
These grants have been used to repair roofs and entire classroom blocks, install electricity, construct new dormitories and to pilot a feeding program; the latter being of significant importance as the majority of the children we serve are malnourished.
We are fortunate to work with the receptive staff and the incredible students at these schools.
Bbanda Church of Uganda Primary School

A government funded primary school located in Wakiso district in Central Uganda. Bbanda CU Primary School is a day school with around 350 students in attendance. There is a deep desire from the children on this campus to expand their horizons, and the staff is very talented and committed to seeing their students reach their fullest potential. Partnership began in 2022.

Coopil Primary School

A government funded primary school in Gulu district in Northern Uganda which is in a very rural setting. There is wonderful leadership on this campus and great parent involvement. Coopil PS is a day school with many of its nearly 600 students walking an hour+ to travel to school each day. FoDU is honored to be working with the staff and students on this campus, and this partnership began in 2022. 

Kaababbi Bulondo Primary School

A government funded primary school in Wakiso district in Central Uganda which is in a very remote and rural setting. The students of Kaababbi have a deep love of soccer and they are eager to improve their skills on the pitch and in the classroom. There are around 350 students on this campus and their partnership with FoDU began in 2022.


Koro Primary School

A government funded primary school located in Gulu district in Northern Uganda. Koro Primary School is a day school with just under 1,000 students in attendance. FoDU selected Koro as a partner school due to the desire of the staff to engage the students, the involvement of parents and caregivers, and the school’s heart for the orphaned and vulnerable children in their midst. There is an active feeding program on this campus and it continues to be one of our model partner schools. Koro was one of our founding partner schools joining our work back in 2014.


Laroo Primary School

A government funded primary school located in Gulu district in Northern Uganda. Laroo Primary School is a mixed day and boarding school with around 550 students on their campus. Laroo Primary School is also host to around 60 hearing impaired students who take part in both our soccer and education initiatives. There is much work to be done on this campus, and FoDU is excited to see hope spread across this campus. Laroo PS was one of our founding partner schools joining our work back in 2014.


Nabukalu Primary School

Nabukalu Primary School is a government funded school located in Wakiso district in Central Uganda, just outside of Kampala. This campus joined our work in 2018 and the entire community has been transformed around this school. There have been numerous facility improvements made on this campus that have brought great pride and joy to the staff and students alike. There is a population of around 350 day schoolers on this campus and a growing committed staff. FoDU is excited to continue to establish hope on this campus, as the children are eager to excel in the classroom and on the pitch. 

New Kabaale Busega

New Kabaale Busega Primary School is a mixed day and boarding school founded by Paul and Molly Wasswa in 1984. The staff at New Kabaale Busega care for and instruct around 530 students. The campus serves a lot of vulnerable children, many of which have special needs. The leadership and staff at New Kabaale Busega have truly embraced the initiatives of FoDU, and it is obvious being on their campus that their school is full of dreamers. New Kabaale is the last of our founding schools, joining our work in 2012 in the Central Region, and it is a private school located in Kampala District.


Pageya Primary School

A government funded primary school located in Gulu district in Northern Uganda. Pageya Primary School is a day school and has just under 1,000 students in attendance. Pageya has a deeply committed staff on their campus and their leadership is strong. FoDU is excited to continue our work with these incredibly talented children, committed staff and community members as they excel in football, music, dance and drama and in the classroom. FoDU has been proud to walk alongside Pageya as a partner school since 2014.


St. Kizito Primary School

St. Kizito was added to our partner schools in 2017, and it is located in Wakiso district on the outskirts of Kampala. This school is a government aided school and it is a day school for just over 400 children. This school has many needs, but we know with the committed staff that is on the ground, exciting and positive changes are ahead. This campus has become the hub of a lot of our technology and football programming for the region, and our staff can often be found on this campus giving their all to the students of this community. 

St. Martin's Primary School

St. Martin is a government funded primary school in Gulu district in Northern Uganda which is located in the community of Lukodi. Lukodi was deeply impacted by the LRA and was home to one of the saddest and largest massacres in May of 2004 during the twenty year civil war in Northern Uganda. St. Martin's has its roots in the Catholic Church and is a day school with around 650 students in attendance. FoDU is honored to be working with the staff and students on this campus, and this partnership began in 2022. 

Former Partner Schools

Blessed Hope Champions Academy - Wakiso District

Bungatira Primary School - Gulu District

El Bethel Junior School - Mukono District

Gulu PTC Demonstration Primary School - Gulu District

Wakiso Children's School of Hope - Wakiso District


© 2020 Fields of Dreams Uganda 

HOPE is a basic need
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