Brian Vega
Jul 28, 2017
A Day in Uganda
Words and pictures will not be sufficient to capture what I have experienced today. I will, however, record this account to help me remembe
Julianne Will
Mar 8, 2017
On Being a Girl in Uganda
I remember hair products and lip gloss being a pretty big deal when I was about 13. Hair products and lip gloss were pretty big deals...
Brian Fleming
Mar 7, 2017
So Much Potential
As I sit here reflecting back on the day, I'm reminded of a phrase that my grandpa used to tell all of us grandkids over and over as we...
Todd Ferguson
Mar 4, 2017
Most of us begin playing sports as young children because our parents guided us that way. As we grow older, the "love of the game" is...
A.D. Istas
Dec 9, 2016
Supporting Cranes
The majestic crested crane is the national bird of Uganda (as well as the colloquial name of the country’s national soccer team). It is...
Rob Schnieders
Jul 29, 2016
Universal Truths, First-hand Experience and What I’ve Learned
There’s nothing quite like being dropped into direct interaction with thousands of welcoming children and motivated teachers. We stepped...